If you witness a crime or any sort of misconduct, please report that incident using one of the methods below.
If you witness a crime, you may report or provide information to the Department of Public Safety and Police using the “Silent Witness” form.
Please note, this information may not be viewed until the next business day. If you have an emergency or serious incident, contact Public Safety at 410-777-1818 or dial 911 for your local police department.
Report a crime through Silent Witness.
Sexual Misconduct includes relationship violence, interpersonal violence or sexual harassment.
It’s our goal to create a supportive climate that encourages victims/survivors of sexual misconduct to report the incident(s).
College employees who have been or are being subjected to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sex discrimination, or who are aware of another who has been or is being subjected to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sex discrimination should notify the college Federal Compliance Officer immediately so appropriate action can be taken.
Students who have been or are being subjected to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sex discrimination, or who are aware of another who has been or is being subjected to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sex discrimination are strongly encouraged to notify the college Federal Compliance Officer, Department of Public Safety and Police, other appropriate college authorities or local law enforcement.
Reports may be made in person, by telephone, in writing, by e-mail, online, or anonymously. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at 410-777-1239 or complianceofficer@xsdvoip.com.
The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is an interdisciplinary group of faculty, staff and administrators who meet regularly to review, and when necessary, respond to student disruptive behavior and mental health issues that may pose an immediate disruption to normal College function. The BIT is based on the National Center for Higher Education Risk Management (NCHERM) model which addresses concerns about students in distress and suggests options for appropriate action by the College. Learn more about the Behavioral Intervention Team.
Submit a Behavioral Intervention Team Referral.
AACC is committed to academic excellence and we want to give all individuals the opportunity to fully develop their potential. Academic excellence is dependent upon a dedication to academic integrity on the part of all members of the college community. In support of this aim, we require students to exhibit academic integrity in all of their academic work.
A culture of academic integrity is built upon respect for others’ work, commitment to doing your own work and intolerance for academic dishonesty in all its forms.
Learn more about reporting academic misconduct.
AACC students are expected to comply with all established college policies and conduct themselves in a manner becoming to members of the AACC community. Any student who behaves in a manner not consistent with college policies or community standards is subject to disciplinary action. Any person may report suspected acts of student misconduct. If you have any questions, please contact Community Standards at 410-777-2766.
Submit a Student Misconduct Referral.
Anne Arundel Community College is committed to ensuring its funds and other college resources are used in an effective and efficient matter and all applicable laws and policies are followed. This hotline provides a mechanism for faculty, staff, students and others to anonymously report:
• Activities or conduct that you believe violate a state or federal law or college policy
• Violations of the Maryland State Public Ethics law
• Suspected fraud, waste, abuse or irregular activities. These activities include improper transactions, such as suspected thefts, losses, misuse or inappropriate action involving college funds, equipment, supplies or other assets
• Violations of the college’s Identity Theft Prevention (Red Flags) procedures, including any potential losses or theft of the college’s confidential and sensitive information (CSI)
This hotline is monitored by Management Advisory Services, and each report is reviewed by the associate vice president for Learning Resources Management and general counsel; reports of misconduct by these entities should be sent directly to human resources or the vice president for Learning Resources Management. If you have any questions related to fraud, waste, abuse or red flags, feel free to contact Management Advisory Services at 410-777-2190.
If you provide contact information on the Incident Report form, AACC may use that to contact you to obtain additional information on the nature of the reported allegation. Please know that while AACC takes all reports seriously and will thoroughly investigate the matter, the college will not disclose any information regarding what actions have been taken on any allegation reported to Management Advisory Services, including case status.